The Picture of Happiness – Running

It’s The Picture of Happiness month!

Today’s guest is Dr. Amy Greenamyer, she says:

This picture is of my medals from 3 full marathons and 8 half marathons. It makes me happy to look at these because of words that have echoed in my head since I was 11-years-old.  As the middle school track coach cut me from the team on the second day of practice, he said, “You are too slow to be a sprinter, too short to jump, and can’t run worth a crap for any distance.” I gave up on ever being an athlete after that.

In late November 2006, my friend JJ suggested we run a marathon. I laughed at her. I told her I “couldn’t” run and had “proof” in the form of my former coach’s assessment. She laughed at me and told me to start training with her. Knowing my friend, resistance was futile. So, I started to train.

There were points in that first marathon, and in every race since, that I wanted to quit, puke, die or all three. But, JJ helped keep me going. My family and multitudes of strangers along the course helped me keep going. And, oddly enough, my track coach helped me keep going; I had to prove him wrong. Crossing the finish line was pure bliss! Everything on me hurt. My toenails later fell out. I smelled. But, in that final step over the line, I became a marathoner. An athlete.

Now I have a wall full of medals and feel the same delight and pride as I cross the finish line. I’m not fast—in order for my finish times to qualify for the Boston Marathon I’d have to be 90 years old. I walk sometimes, or a lot of the time, depending on the race. But I finish. And I smile every time I do.

Proving old coaches wrong + inspiration from a friend = happiness for Dr. Amy Greenamyer

Proving an old coach wrong + inspiration from a friend + running a marathon = happiness for Dr. Amy Greenamyer

 Amy Greenamyer is a licensed psychologist and co-owner of Green Line Wellness in Louisville, Kentucky. She and her husband are the proud parents of a daughter and son. They also have a rescued dog who is now a therapy dog at Amy’s practice.

Amy Greenamyer is a licensed psychologist and co-owner of Green Line Wellness in Louisville, Kentucky. She and her husband are the proud parents of a daughter and son. They also have a rescue dog who is now a therapy dog at Amy’s practice.

The Picture of Happiness – Imperfect Seashells and Beautiful Friends

It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Karyn Dundorf, she says:

Lately, I have come to realize that there is much beauty to be found in the imperfect.  I recently went on a trip to Clearwater, FL for a reunion of some college friends.  Instead of one of the myriad of pictures of perfect sunsets, white sand beaches, or (other people) in bikinis, I am posting a picture of a broken shell.  My friends and I are not nearly as fresh and perfect as we seemed when were 18 year-olds full of idealism and wonder.  Life has happened.  We have more wrinkles and less idealism but more wisdom and depth.  I found each of my friends more beautiful and precious than I used to.  It’s funny, I’m able to see the beauty in them, but it’s much harder to look at my own “failings” with any love.  I kept this broken shell of a reminder that there is true beauty that comes out of brokenness.  I look at the shell every day and when I do, I think of my beautiful friends.  It is a reminder to treasure people, including myself, as they are instead of what/where they are “supposed” to be.


Wise friends + life’s imperfections = happiness for Karyn Dundorf


Karyn is a once engineer, now stay at home mom to three kids 6 and under in Boulder, Colorado.

Happiness: Easier to Find Than We Think?

I am writing this post as part of The American Psychological Association’s Mental Health Blog Day. #MHBlogDay

I'm Blogging for Mental Health.

Sometimes it can feel as if true happiness is elusive.  Between the stresses of work, relationships, parenting, money and all the other goings on in the world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, sad, angry and just plain fed up.  I’m not questioning the reality of the stressors listed above, and I’m certainly not doubting the very real effects of mental illness on mood.  However, I do think we – at least sometimes – tend to make happiness more complicated than it has to be.

I have dedicated the month of May as The Picture of Happiness Month on this blog.  I have invited women from all parts of my life to share a picture of what makes them happy.  The catch? The pictures can’t include family, pets or lovers.  What I’ve discovered (about halfway through the month) is that just as we all look different and choose different paths for our lives, the things that bring us happiness are different too.

True, lasting happiness and contentment might be elusive for many of us; but momentary joy and pleasure are within almost everyone’s reach.

Take a look at some Pictures of Happiness:

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Screen shot 2014-05-13 at 6.01.04 PMScreen shot 2014-05-14 at 8.44.35 AMWant to see more Pictures of Happiness? Follow along on Dr Stephanie this month, or check it out on Facebook or Twitter.


The Picture of Happiness – My Grandmother’s Purse

It is The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Kelly Behling, she says:

This purse was my grandmother’s, and every time I use it I think about all of the good memories I have of her.  I was told once by a woman at an antique store that it was too old and too valuable to actually use, but the joy it brings me on a special night out far outweighs the monetary value.

Memories of Grandma + Her Special Purse = Happiness for Kelly Behling

Memories of Grandma + Her Special Purse = Happiness for Kelly Behling

My name is Kelly Behling, and I am Dr. Stephanie's younger sister.  My husband and I live in Westminster, CO and I am on my way to becoming an environmental engineer.  In my free time I love to hike, craft, read, and explore local breweries.

This is Kelly Behling climbing the Rocky Mountains.  She is currently in graduate school at the University of Colorado studying to become an environmental engineer.  In her free time she loves to hike, craft, read and explore local breweries.

The Picture of Happiness – Knitting

It’s  The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Caroline Moore, she says:

Knitting makes me happy.  I love going to the yarn store and picking out something beautiful from all the gorgeous varieties of wool, synthetics, cotton, alpaca, and bamboo.  I enjoy the feel of it in my fingers and the warmth it creates.  From picking out a pattern to casting on the first stitches to giving a loved one (or myself) a finished product, I love the whole process.  I enjoy solitary knitting or with dear friends in my “craft group” which I have been doing for the last 20 plus years.  Knitting keeps my hands busy and my head clear.

Knitting makes me happy.  I love going to the yarn store and picking out something beautiful from all the gorgeous varieties of wool, synthetics, cotton, alpaca, and bamboo.  I enjoy the feel of it in my fingers and the warmth it creates.  From picking out a pattern to casting on the first stitches to giving a loved one (or myself) a finished product, I love the whole process.  I enjoy solitary knitting or with dear friends in my "craft group" which I have been doing for the last 20 plus years.  Knitting keeps my hands busy and my head clear. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother.  I am a retired occupational therapist who is loving this new stage in my life with the gift of time and health to pursue new interests and old.  Travel, volunteering, exercise, grandchildren and family, reading and crafts fill my days.

Caroline is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is a retired occupational therapist who is loving this new stage in her life with the gift of time and health to pursue interests, new and old. Travel, volunteering, exercise, grandchildren and family, reading and crafts fill her days.

I am a wife, mother, and grandmother.  I am a retired occupational therapist who is loving this new stage in my life with the gift of time and health to pursue new interests and old.  Travel, volunteering, exercise, grandchildren and family, reading and crafts fill my days.

The Picture of Happiness – Home

It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Julie Jungman, she says:

The view from my back deck represents happiness, stability, and peace for me.
As I was growing up, my family moved every two years or so.  From ages 0-15, I lived in six states, eight cities, and eleven houses.  I attended four different elementary schools, and started a new school in a new city for 6th grade, 8th grade, and 10th grade.  So, okay, you get it–I moved a lot!
For me, buying a home with my husband represented the first time I was able to establish roots of my own.  We have lived at our home in Erie, Colorado since we were first married; this fall will be eleven years.
Though lots has changed for us since we bought our home (we’ve become parents to two kids since then!), our deck and view have remained a continued source of happiness for me.

Views + Home + Family = Happiness for Julie Jungman

Views + Home + Family = Happiness for Julie Jungman

Julie Julie is married to a great guy named Chris and is mom to Cora (5) and Colin (2).  She works at a job she loves, providing integrated behavioral health at primary care offices for Boulder Community Health.  Julie likes to bake, read, and watch mindless TV like Top Chef and Project Runway.

Julie is married to a great guy named Chris and is mom to Cora (5) and Colin (2). She works as a licensed clinical social worker, providing integrated behavioral health at primary care offices for Boulder Community Health. Julie likes to bake, read, and watch mindless TV like Top Chef and Project Runway.

The Picture of Happiness – Dance Jam

May is The Picture of Happiness month on Dr. Stephanie.

Today’s guest is Sarah Zook.  She says:

Pure happiness is sweat, laughter, loud music and choreography. I teach a class called Dance Jam three times a week at Life Time Fitness. We have dancers, stay at home moms, working women, men, wallflowers, all ages – all young at heart. Whether or not they think they’re the worst dancer or best dancer, it never matters. We just come to have fun, and burning lots of calories is the added bonus. You can be whoever you want in a Dance Jam. Dance Jam doesn’t care, Dance Jam helps you let down your hair!

Sweat + music + choreography = happiness for trainer Sarah Zook

Sweat + music + choreography = happiness for trainer Sarah Zook

Here's me at at "Wear your wedding dress bunco party" where we didn't play a lick of Bunco. Just more like wear your wedding dress because it's fabulous. I am a group fitness instructor and personal trainer at Life Time Fitness. I've been fitness teaching and training since 1997 and love seeing people get stronger, more fit, become empowered inside their bodies and be able to have a good time while doing it.

This is Sarah Zook at at “Wear Your Wedding Dress Bunco Party” where she didn’t play a lick of Bunco – but looked fabulous.  She’s a group fitness instructor and personal trainer at Life Time Fitness. She’s been teaching fitness and training since 1997 and loves seeing people get stronger, more fit, and more empowered about their bodies -  and to be able to have a good time while doing it.

The Picture of Happiness – Fresh Air and Hard Work

It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Pam Mellskog, she says:

Working with my Dad on the farm in Galena, Ill., where I grew up makes me happy because it gives me a practical way to thank him and my Mom for all the ways they have loved and helped me over the years.

I shot this photo on April 23, 2006, during my first visit back home to the Midwest from Colorado after becoming a new parent that February with the birth of my son, Carl.

I took off my gloves and took a break from repairing a barbed wire fence in the field with Dad that afternoon to shoot this photo and others — reminders of the countless afternoons we have spent working together in the fresh air since I was a kid.

Fresh air + childhood memories + giving parents = happiness for Pam Mellskog

Fresh air + childhood memories + giving parents = happiness for Pam Mellskog

Pam Mellskog has reported for Longmont’s newspaper, the Times-Call, since 2001. In 2008, she ventured into writing in the first person. She posts her “Mommy Musings” parenting blog on the newspaper’s website at Between the lines, readers may sense how the bedlam her three young boys bring to family life simultaneously shreds her nerves and blesses her to the core. For this reason, she likens childrearing to breadmaking. However tedious the kneading, however long the rise time, nothing satisfies her yen for wholesome living more than smelling bread baking, buttering it hot out of the oven and sharing it around.

Pam Mellskog has reported for Longmont, Colorado’s newspaper, the Times-Call, since 2001. In 2008, she ventured into writing in the first person. She posts her “Mommy Musings” parenting blog on the newspaper’s website.
Between the lines, readers may sense how the bedlam her three young boys bring to family life simultaneously shreds her nerves and blesses her to the core. For this reason, she likens childrearing to breadmaking. However tedious the kneading, however long the rise time, nothing satisfies her yen for wholesome living more than smelling bread baking, buttering it hot out of the oven and sharing it around.

The Picture of Happiness – Cookies

It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Megan Schimmelpfennig, she says:

No food brings happiness to me like a warm chocolate chip cookie!  So when we discovered our favorite restaurant while living in Arizona, I fell in love when I first tried their pizza cookie dessert… a half-pound of a half-baked chocolate chip cookie topped with vanilla bean ice cream. YUM.  Since we have not found anything that compares here in Colorado, I’ve learned to make them at home and I may or may not make them on a weekly basis!

gooey cookie dough + ice cream = happiness

gooey cookie dough + ice cream = happiness

Megan lives in Erie with her husband and three kiddos and is excited to be coordinating her church's very first MOPS group this year.  In her 'spare' time she runs her online children's boutique, Trendy Tots ~n~ Polka Dots ( and enjoys writing on her blog, Cherishing Motherhood through Faith, Friendship & Happy Hour (

Megan lives in Colorado with her husband and three kiddos, and is excited to be coordinating her church’s very first MOPS group this year. In her ‘spare’ time she coaches her daughter’s basketball team, runs an online children’s boutique, Trendy Tots ~n~ Polka Dots and enjoys writing on her blog, Cherishing Motherhood through Faith, Friendship & Happy Hour.

The Picture of Happiness – Photo Therapy

It’s The Picture of Happiness Month!

Today’s guest is Dr. Deborah Serani.  She says:

I love using photos to help give a lift to my mood. In fact, I call the experience “Antidepressant Photo Therapy.” I have hundreds collected that make me happy, but here’s the one I keep as a screensaver.  This beautiful black kitty makes me smile because he totally kicks ordinary curbside dwelling up a notch with his top hat.

Cat + Top Hat + Good Photographer = Happiness for Dr. Deb Serani

Cat + Top Hat + Good Photographer = Happiness for Dr. Deb Serani


Dr. Deborah Serani is an award winning author and psychologist. She spends her time writing about depression and trauma and has made finding positivity in life her motto.

Dr. Deborah Serani is an award winning author and psychologist. She spends her time writing about depression and trauma and has made finding positivity in life her motto.