Welcome to Moms’ Month on Dr. Stephanie! This month I will be featuring guest posts from some awesome moms around the country. They will be sharing tips, tricks, and funny stories about motherhood. This will be a fun celebration – thanks for joining us! Today’s author is Mandy Baron. Welcome, Mandy!
Hi, I’m Mandy. I am a part time Dental Hygienist in Dallas, Texas.  My Husband, Andrew, and I are parents to two little tornadoes boys; Austin (3) and Tyler (1). 
We sometimes joke that we used to think we were great, single, individuals… then we got married. We realized we both had a LONG list of improvements to be made. We took a few years, learned a few things and again felt like pretty good people. Then we had our two little boys and realized, again, we had our work cut out for us. Being a mother has brought me joy, taught me countless lessons and continues to humble me every day.
I love the quote “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little “extraâ€- Jimmy Johnson.
Usually at the end of the day (while looking at the path of destruction caused by my tornadoes) the last thing I want to do is exert any effort or energy. I have found that adding that little â€extra†has improved my relationship with my family.  Whether it is extra time for my kids, extra effort, extra time jumping on the trampoline, or extra chocolate chips in their pancakes I know the effort is appreciated. I’m not saying by any means to over-do it; just take an extra five minutes.